The 32 Kerala Battalion Nehru Arts and Science College NCC unit conducted Taekondo demonstration on 11 September 2020 in connection with the Fit India Movement. Taekondo International Trainer Dr M R Venugopal demonstrated Taekondo to cadets. 70 cadets (30 SD 40 SW) attended the programme. The cadets also practiced yogasanas (70 cadets (30SD 40SW) Cadets also trained the family members. 80 family members participated along with the cadets. Two cadets (SD1 SW1) participated in freedom run and covered a distance of 2 km . Cadets along with family members also participated in games, cycling, aerobics, jogging, swimming, cleaning and skipping.
Essay writing competition was conducted on the topic, "Relevance of Fit India Movement" on 11 September 2020. The winners are the following. First Prize KL/SWA/19/191287 Cdt. Sreelakshmi P Second Prize KL/SWA/19/191282, Cdt. Pooja M
The 32 Kerala Battalion Nehru Arts and Science College NCC unit conducted Fitness training on 12 September 2020 in connection with the Fit India Movement. Former State Foot ball player Mr Mohanan trained the cadets. 70 cadets (30 SD 40 SW) attended the programme. The cadets also practiced yogasanas (70 cadets (30SD 40SW) Cadets also trained the family members. 80 family members participated along with the cadets. Two cadets (SD0 SW2) participated in freedom run and covered a distance of 2 km . Cadets along with family members also participated in games, cycling, jogging, swimming, cleaning and skipping.
The 32 Kerala Battalion Nehru Arts and Science College NCC unit conducted Fitness training on 13 September 2020 in connection with the Fit India Movement. Fitness Trainer Manoj Pallikkara trained the cadets. 70 cadets (30 SD 40 SW) attended the programme. The cadets also practiced yogasanas (70 cadets (30SD 40SW) Cadets also trained the family members. 80 family members participated along with the cadets. Two cadets (SD1 SW1) participated in freedom run and covered a distance of 3 km . Cadets along with family members also participated in games, cycling, jogging, swimming, cleaning and skipping.
The 32 Kerala Battalion Nehru Arts and Science College NCC organised an online session on the topic "How to regulate Breathing while exercise" on 14 September 2020 in connection with the Fit India Movement. International Fitness Trainer Mr Krishnan Nambiar trained the cadets. 70 cadets (30 SD 40 SW) attended the programme. The cadets also practiced yogasanas (70 cadets (30SD 40SW) Cadets also trained the family members. 80 family members participated along with the cadets. Three cadets (SD1 SW2) participated in freedom run and covered a distance of 5 km . Cadets along with family members also participated in games, cycling, jogging, swimming, cleaning and skipping.