To establish smooth and effective transaction of curriculum through ICT based teaching - learning, lecture method, problem solving, experimental method, virtual simulations etc.
To support the classroom teaching with resources from outside the institution or retired teachers through seminars, workshops etc.
To establish a good rapport between teachers and students.
To obtain regular feedback from the students, parents, employers and alumni on the teaching - learning process and improving it.
To establish a transparent evaluation system both internal and external.
To ensure sufficient remedial measures to the needy students.
To ensure guidance and mentoring to the advanced learners.
To provide enough opportunities for placement.
To facilitate students’ progression to premier institutions for higher studies.
To reward teachers, non teaching staff and students who receive awards and recognitions.
To give the students ample opportunities to develop leadership traits by providing exposure to various fields.
To encourage the students to actively participate in NSS and NCC.
To encourage the students to actively participate in activities of various clubs and centres, thereby promoting leadership qualities.
To encourage the students to actively participate in sports and games.
To encourage the students to actively participate in fine arts competitions.
To encourage the students to participate in events organized by other institutions.
To promote research activities of teachers and encouraging them to take up research projects, attend seminars and workshops, take research guideship and to establish approved research centres.
To obtain grants from UGC, KSCSTE, DST, CDS, NBHM, RUSA etc. and strengthen the basic research facilities.
To publish the research outputs of staff and disseminate it among academicians and research scholars.
To disseminate research findings of the faculty of the college among the research community, teachers and students free of cost.
To publish the research findings of faculty in college website for creating awareness among the industry and other institutions.
To encourage the faculty to publish their findings in reputed journals.
To serve the community through various social service and extension activities like charity, blood donation, infrastructure development, construction of houses, environmental cleanliness, anti drug activities, literacy, health awareness, cancer detection and eradication, gender equality, eradication of superstition, exploration, surveys, national integration, secularism etc.
To establish an institution-neighbourhood-community network through NGO’s like Lions Club, Jaycees International, Rotary Club, OISCA International, Kerala Sastra Sahithya Parishad and other social groups like local libraries, arts and sports clubs, environmental and animal protection collectives, palliative care units, local bodies and political parties.
To help students to have an all round development so that they become physically fit, intellectually competent and socially committed citizens.
To create awareness about the social responsibilities and execution of high ethical standards.
To foster and promote consultancy services through promotion, development and strengthening of consultancy skills of the faculty.
To promote linkage and collaboration with institutions of repute for exchange of faculty and students.
To promote linkage and collaboration with institutions of repute for sharing of resources.
To maintain well furnished class rooms, seminar halls and laboratories.
To maintain well furnished conference halls.
To enhance library facility.
To increase the volume of books and journals based on the changes in curriculum.
To set up well equipped computer laboratories.
To enhance ICT facilities.
To provide high speed Internet and WiFi.
To create water resources and water supply facilities.
To create refreshment facility.
To set up hygienic toilets.
To provide common rooms for girls and lady staff.
To provide electrical appliances and maintaining uninterrupted power supply.
To create hostel facility.
To provide sports and games facilities and sports hostel.
To ensure safety by setting up of surveillance cameras and compound wall.
To do timely maintenance of the existing infrastructure.
To provide facilities for Divyangjan - ramps, friendly toilets, software, wheel chair etc.
To promote ‘Make in the College’ . As part of this policy, for having a complete profile of the student ready at hand and for analysing the performance of the student in close quarters, Student Management System, an intranet application was developed internally by the Department of Computer Science.
To promote ‘Make for other Colleges’. As part of this policy, the faculty have been providing assistance to other colleges for creation of website, setting up student management system etc.
To implement biodegradable waste management system.
To utilize renewable energy sources.
To reduce the consumption of energy by use of LED bulbs, reduction of outdated equipments etc.
To achieve Carbon Neutrality.
To plant more and more trees in the campus.
To reduce the use of one time plastics
To address the grievances of students and staff through the Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell and the Employees’ Grievance Redressal Cell, the Women’s Cell, the Sports Students’ Complaint Committee, the Internal Complaint Committee and the Anti ragging Cell.
To improve the access of the categories of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes, differently-abled, and attracting them to the college, persuading them to continue the programme once they get admitted.
To provide financial support to the needy students through Government and non Government scholarships, endowments, alumni support, PTA support etc.
To promote equity among all (students and staff) belonging to various categories, gender, caste and religion
To promote open source software like Linux, Latex, Python, R, TORA, Scilab, Koha, Moodle, PostgreSQL, C, C++, Libre Office.
To establish a system of quality assurance, which would be on a continuous basis, that will transform into competent and socially committed young talents with global vision.
To develop all Departments offering core programmes to P.G Departments and Research Centers eventually.
To introduce more programmes for which constant efforts are undertaken; as and when the University and the Government policies are in favour.
To enhance the quality of teaching by encouraging the faculty members to achieve higher qualifications including research degree and post doctoral research.
To become a consultancy hub at various levels.
To become a centre whose graduates are of high social commitment and humane qualities taking up leadership thereby building a very healthy society.
To become a centre that imparts the most important awareness like environmental protection and plastic free earth.
To stimulate teachers to serve as resource person, guest faculty in esteemed institutions.
Contact Us
P.O. Padnekkat Kasaragod (Dist.) Kerala - 671314 India